Volkova Yu. V.

Kucheriavchenko V. V., Volkova Yu. V., Sharlai K. Yu.
Functional state of secretory activity of adipose tissue in traumatic disease in patients with increased body mass index
9 - 13
Kucheriavchenko V. V., Volkova Yu. V., Sharlai K. Yu.
Functional state of metabolic syndrome markers in traumatic disease in patients with increased body mass index
16 - 18
Kucheriavchenko V. V., Volkova Yu. V.
Changes in lipid metabolism markers in patients with increased body mass index with polytrauma
15 - 19
Todurov B. M., Khartanovych M. V., Khyzhniak A. A., Volkova Yu. V.
Prognostic significance of myocardial damage markers in the perioperative period in patients with acute coronary syndrome at coronary artery bypass grafting
72 - 78
Khyzhniak A. A., Volkova Yu. V., Iievlieva V. I., Sharlai K. Yu.
Blood biochemical stress markers in patients with severe traumatic brain injury
79 - 82
Volkova Yu. V.
Pathogenetic role of infusion component in traumatic disease in geriatric patients
78 - 83
Volkova Yu. V.
Influence of prevention of thromboembolic complications on the course of post−operative period in gerontological patients with multiple injuries
49 - 52
Volkova Yu. V.
Prolonged peridural blockade as structural element of intensive therapy for post−traumatic pancreatitis
99 - 101
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