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№1' 2021


International Medical Journal, Vol. 27., Iss. 1, 2021, P. 18−22.



Voronenko O. S., Brynza M. S.

V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine

In recent decades, there has been a rise of chronic heart failure mortality. Among the huge range of modern methods of this pathology treatment, the cardioresynchronizing therapy stands out, it allows the improvement of the patient's heart function, reduces clinical signs of the disease, improves well−being, as well as diminishes morbidity and mortality. The use of this method in the patients with a comorbid pathology, i.e. in those with chronic heart failure and type 2 diabetes, deserves a special attention. In order to determine the clinical characteristics of the patients who required a pacemaker implantation, we examined 203 patients who had reasonable indications for this in accordance with the ACC / ANA and ESC current recommendations. Another important criterion for inclusion into the group of implantation was considered to be the presence of comorbid Diabetes mellitus type 2. The gender and age characteristics of the surveyed population were dominated by elderly male patients. The presence of concomitant cardiovascular pathology depending on the age of patients was analyzed, which showed mostly hypertension of stage 2−3, a constant atrial fibrillation. In structure of comorbid pathology the somatic diseases, including type 2 Diabetes mellitus prevailed. Electrostimulators were implanted into the examined cohort of patients, among which 132 devices worked in DDD mode, 71 of the installed stimulators had the DDDR mode. The research results concluded that the implantation of a pacemaker became a necessary procedure for elderly patients, mostly men, with a high prevalence of cardiovascular (coronary heart disease, hypertension, persistent atrial fibrillation) and somatic pathology in the form of type 2 Diabetes mellitus.

Key words: chronic heart failure, type 2 diabetes mellitus, pacemaker implantation, clinical features, gender and age characteristics.


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