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№4' 2016


International Medical Journal, Vol. 22., Iss. 4, 2016, P. 33−37.


Viktor Savelevich Lupoyad, Nana Merabovna Pasieshvili, Ilchenko V. O., Moshko Yu. O.

Kharkiv Regional Clinical Perinatal Center, Ukraine

Today, ultrasonography is one of the most informative methods of examination in obstetrics. The areas of its use in obstetric practice is extensive: fetometry of the fetus, diagnosis of developmental defects; evaluation of fetus condition in different periods of pregnancy; control of invasive procedures. The use of ultrasonography in obstetrics for prenatal diagnosis contributed to a significant reduction in perinatal mortality. Doppler mapping made it possible not only to evaluate the function of the cardiovascular system of the fetus but also placental circulation. Ultrasonography is also informative in the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. Since the method safety to the mother's body, and especially the fetus, causes a lot of questions in the patients, the American Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the National Institute of Health formulated the main indications for it. It is important to note that although the risk to the fetus is minimal, it should be used when indicated. Two types of ultrasonography in pregnant are distinguished: standard and target. In practice, the method is most often used in non−compliance of the uterus and pregnancy term, suspected intrauterine fetal growth retardation, poly− and oligohydramnios, which may be the signs of the disease of the central nervous system, kidney or gastrointestinal tract of the fetus, Regular ultrasonography can prevent many complications of pregnancy, helps to clarify the period of pregnancy and to evaluate development of the fetus, delivery time and choose the drugs for medical treatment (tocolytics, drugs to accelerate fetal lung maturation, etc.). It is emphasized that the quality of ultrasound depends not only on the three−dimensional modern hardware, but also the qualifications of the doctor, his capacity for scrutiny of what he saw on the screen of the device.

Key words: ultrasound, fetus, fetometry.

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