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№2' 2015


International Medical Journal, Vol. 21., Iss. 2, 2015, P. 39−42.


Zhemela N. I.

D. Halitski Lviv National Medical University, Ukraine

The purpose of the work was to study D−status of pregnant women with threatened miscarriage, and bacterial vaginosis. The study involved 58 pregnant women with 30−34−week gestation with the threat of premature birth and 15 with uncomplicated pregnancy. Ultrasound investigation was performed using ultrasound diagnostic system HDI 5000 Sono CT (Philips Ultrasound, United States). 25(OH)D level in the venous blood was determined with immunochemical method with electrochemiluminescent detection (ECLIA) (Cobas analyzer 6000, test system Roche Diagnostics, Switzerland). D−status assessment was carried out according to of the recommendations of the experts of Central Europe: the norm −− the level of 25 (OH) D 30−50 ng/ml, insufficiency −− 20−29 ng/ml, D−deficiency −− less than 19 ng/ml, expressed deficiency −− less than 10 ng/ml. The diagnosis of BV was made by R. Amsel criteria; qualitative and quantitative assessment of vaginal biocenosis was done using real−time PCR. In over a half of pregnant with the danger of miscarriage (60.3 %) vitamin D deficiency was revealed (14.60±3.14 ng/ml). 25(ОН)D (20.32±0.57 ng/ml) deficiency was characteristic for 18.97% of the pregnant and only 6.9 % had normal vitamin D level (30.69±0.41 ng/ml). Bacterial vaginosis was diagnosed in 32.8 % of the pregnant with the threat of miscarriage and in 13/3 % with uncomplicated pregnancy. The patients with pronounced vitamin D deficiency (11.78±296 ng/ml prevailed among BV patients. Our findings suggest that the reproductive history of pregnant women with vitamin D deficiency is characterized by frequent inflammation of the mucous membranes of the genital tract and problems in the reproductive history. BV in pregnant women with threatened miscarriage is detected in a third of patients (32.8 %). At vitamin D deficiency, detection rate of BV in this category of pregnant increases from 9.1 % in the vitamin D deficiency to 50.0 % in expressed D−deficiency.

Key words: bacterial vaginosis, premature labor, vitamin D, D−deficiency.

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