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№1' 2015


International Medical Journal, Vol. 21., Iss. 1, 2015, P. 89−91.


Barycheva E. N., Sheynina T. L., Zaitseva L. V.

Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine

According to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the incidence of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in Ukraine increased 3.8 times (from 2.4 to 9.1 per 100 000 child population) within the period of 2008−2013 due to improved diagnosis and active work to identify children with the problems of psychological development and adaptation. The prevalence of ASD has increased 3.5 times (from 13.8 to 48.2 per 100 000 child population) since 2008. Although autism is diagnosed in childhood, the problems associated with the disease are not limited to the period of childhood, and are transferred and persist in adulthood. The purpose of the work was to search for and create new programs to help the patients with autism spectrum disorders at different age stages in children, teen−agers, and adults. With the aim to orient and guide timely the parents with a sick child by a primary care physician into the specialists, the knowledge of modern service organization of psychiatric and psychological care of patients with autism is necessary. This knowledge should be obtained on the stage of postgraduate training. Psychiatrists making differential diagnosis at the stage of specialized care make the diagnosis of autism, plan a comprehensive treatment, including psychopharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, psychological correction and social rehabilitation. It is strategically important to ensure autistic children as well as adults with social assistance, educational programs, the organization of working conditions to allow the possibility of acquiring profession. Social rehabilitation should be maximally personalized in order to enable independent living. It is also necessary to prepare and publish educational materials and manuals, not only to raise awareness of the staff working with autistic persons, but also aimed at helping the patients with autism in education and employment. For correction of occurring disorders in adults with autism it is necessary to develop new therapeutic approaches and strategies of psychological input in the families of people with autism.

Key words: autism, early diagnosis, the organization of care, social assistance, children, adults.

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