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№1' 2015


International Medical Journal, Vol. 21., Iss. 1, 2015, P. 84−88.


Fedak B. S., Sarvyr I. M.

Regional Hospital − Center for Emergency Medical Aid and Disaster Medicine, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine

Three hundred and eighty−two patients (76 with coronary artery disease, angina, 75 with coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, 77 with transient ischemic attacks, 81 with cerebral stroke, 73 with gastric and duodenal ulcer) were examined to identify specific features of emotional−affective sphere of patients with acute conditions of somatic profile. Clinical psychopathological and psychodiagnostic investigation was done. It was found that the patients with acute medical condition of psychosomatic register were characterized by the presence of common features of emotional−affective sphere. Most patients with acute somatic diseases were characterized by absence of depressive symptoms. In case of high level of personal anxiety, as basic personality characteristic, the average level of reactive anxiety was in the range of moderate values, despite to the presence of objective threat to the individual vital existence. Combination of the average level of hostility and low levels of aggression, both motivational and general aggressiveness indicated presence of passive attitude to their condition, as well as interiorization of aggressive impulses in patients with acute medical diseases. The basis for development of pathogenetically substantiated system of medical and psychological correction of psychological deadaptation in patients with acute conditions of therapeutic profile should be the data of clinical, psychopathological and psycho−diagnostic examinations.

Key words: acute conditions of somatic profile, features of emotional and affective sphere, medical and psychological correction.

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