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№1' 2022


International Medical Journal, Vol. 28., Iss. 1, 2022, P. 29−34.



Viktoriia Valentinovna Lazurenko, Tertyshnik D. Yu., Iryna Borysivna Borzenko, Ostapenko V. R., Tischenko O. M.

Kharkiv National Medical University
Municipal Non−Profit Enterprise of Kharkiv Regional Council "Regional Clinical Hospital", Kharkiv, Ukraine

To investigate the clinical features of Diabetes mellitus in pregnant women, its types, severity and state of compensation, as well as to identify gestational and perinatal complications, 128 histories of pregnancy and childbirth in such patients were analyzed. Among them, 40 women had type 1 diabetes, 6 had type 2 diabetes, and 82 had gestational diabetes. The latter is one of the most common complications of pregnancy, manifested by impaired glucose tolerance of any degree and it is first detected during pregnancy. In women with placental dysfunction, the ratio of pre−gestational diabetes to gestational was 1: 2. The mean age of women made 30.6±5.7 years, almost half were older. It was noted that 63 pregnant women had cardiovascular lesions and 73 had concomitant endocrine pathology (obesity, thyroid disease). It has been noted that 21 pregnant women had a disability as a result of complications of pre−gestational diabetes. Pathology of pregnancy, in addition to placental dysfunction, was diagnosed as anemia of pregnant women, preeclampsia, polyhydramnios, colpitis, which evidences the prevalence of inflammatory lesions of the genital tract in patients, especially with pre−gestational diabetes. Cesarean delivery was performed in 97 cases. The mean delivery time was 36.8±1.9 weeks. With a weight of more than 4.000 g, 12 babies were born. A highly reliable moderate direct correlation was found between Diabetes mellitus and placental dysfunction (r = 0.45; p < 0.001). It is concluded that women with placental dysfunction due to diabetes are more likely to have concomitant extragenital pathology, polyhydramnios, infectious lesions of the genital tract, macrosomia, diabetic fetopathy, they have a high percentage of cesarean section. Newborns in such mothers have a low Apgar score.

Key words: Diabetes mellitus, placental dysfunction, pregnancy complications.


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