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№3' 2021


International Medical Journal, Vol. 27., Iss. 3, 2021, P. 67−71.



Salyenkova O. A., Danyliuk S. V., Ovcharenko Yu. S.

V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine

Hair is an important part of appearance and social communication, its loss can significantly affect psychological trauma to patients. One of the main areas of research in trichology is the study of various aspects of androgenetic alopecia. The results of the original study on the assessment of immune histochemical parameters of patients with androgenetic alopecia were analyzed in detail. Based on a study of the published reports on the pathogenesis of androgenetic alopecia, indicating the signs of perifollicular inflammation, oxidative stress and fibrosis formation as the disease progresses, immune competent T−lymphocytes CD3 +, CD4 + and CD8 +, macrophages (VEGF polyG, CDF +) were investigated thoroughly. β1, EGFR, oxidative stress enzymes eNOS and iNOS, pathological fraction of Collagen IV. Owing to the data obtained, that the cascade of pathological reactions "oxidative stress − microinflammation − fibrosis" was confirmed to be found in patients with androgenetic alopecia, and it was suggested that these links of pathogenesis could potentially be a target for therapeutic effects. Data on the results of immune histochemical examination of scalp biopsies in patientsave been presented, a and the location of certain markers to be studied, and the methodology of the study have been described. According to the biopsy results, the characteristics of inflammatory perifollicular infiltrate (CD3 +, CD4 + and CD8 +, macrophages (CD68 +), accumulation of oxidative stress enzymes (eNOS and iNOS) and imbalance of growth polypeptides (VEGF, TGF−β1, EGFla) were described. Treatment of androgenetic alopecia was concluded to be likely supplemented taking into account the imbalance of immune histochemical parameters.

Key words: androgenetic alopecia, immunohistochemistry, cytokines, growth factors, oxidative stress enzymes.


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