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№2' 2021


International Medical Journal, Vol. 27., Iss. 2, 2021, P. 52−56.



Viesich T. L., Tuchkina I. O., Tarawneh D. Sh.

Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine

Polycystic ovary syndrome is not considered as an independent disease, but as a phenomenon that combines a number of symptoms and has common clinical and biochemical manifestations. It is accompanied by ovarian dysfunction, increased secretion of androgens, estrogens, insulin, pathology of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. This is a clinical syndrome in which there are found many 2−6−millimeter or larger follicular cysts containing atretic follicles in the ovary. The ovaries are usually enlarged and have a thickened and smoothed protein shell. To comparatively analyze the hormonal and biochemical parameters for the patients suffered from polycystic ovary syndrome with and without metabolic syndrome, 140 women were examined. The study of insulin resistance in such patients deserved a special attention, as its development is closely related to hyperandrogenemia, i.e. the syndrome direct cause. Hormonal studies of the blood of women with polycystic ovary syndrome showed that the changes in hormonal background were unidirectional, regardless of the presence of metabolic disorders. No significant differences, with the exception of prolactin levels, in the groups of patients with and without metabolic syndrome were detected. The data obtained indicate the presence of ovarian hyperandrogenism, which leads to a disorder of the central and peripheral mechanisms of regulation of steroidogenesis. Hormonal secretion and biochemical parameters of patients depend on the clinical form of the disease. Moderate hyperprolactinemia, decreased somatomedin−C levels on the background of insulin resistance were observed in the patients with metabolic disorders, and moderate hyperandrogenism was found in the patients without metabolic changes. Both groups were characterized by an increased ratio of luteinizing and follicle−stimulating hormones, which were more pronounced in women with metabolic syndrome.

Key words: polycystic ovary syndrome, biochemical and hormonal profiles, steroidogenesis.


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