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№2' 2021


International Medical Journal, Vol. 27., Iss. 2, 2021, P. 57−64.



Alekseeva O. S., Viktoriia Valentinovna Lazurenko, Liashchenko O. A., Safonov R. A., Stryukov D. V., Afanasiev I. V.

Kharkiv National Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Ukraine

A literature review on abnormal uterine bleeding in gynecological patients with thyroid pathology has been presented. Massive bleeding is an urgent problem of modern gynecology, because it occurs in almost a third of women of childbearing age and compose significant part of surgery. The variety of types and severity of clinical manifestations of abnormal uterine bleeding is a common reason for appointing the erroneous or ineffective treatment. Recent studies have shown an increase of up to 25.0 % of thyroid lesions, including hypothyroidism, in women of reproductive age. Therefore, it is necessary to assess the state of hormonal function of the thyroid gland in the complex of medical and diagnostic management of abnormal uterine bleeding. The biochemical affinity of thyroid hormones and reproductive system leads to an increased dysregulation in the case of damage to at least one of the systems that forms a vicious circle. Common mechanisms of central regulation of hormonal balance determine the importance of studying the pathogenetic mechanisms that arise at the level of the hypothalamic−pituitary−ovarian and hypothalamic−pituitary−thyroid systems. The direct effect of excess or deficiency of thyroid hormones through specific receptors in the ovaries and endometrium forms a direct pathogenetic effect on the development of menstrual disorders and, as a consequence, abnormal uterine bleeding. Implementation of the effects of thyroid−stimulating hormone and triiodothyronine not only affects the formation of structures of the reproductive system at the biochemical and cellular levels, but also causes an impairment of the cascade of hormonal interactions with prolactin, estrogen, progesterone, etc., which are also the triggers of menstrual disorders. Assessment of the state of hormonal function of the thyroid gland is necessary in the complex of medical and diagnostic management of abnormal uterine bleeding.

Key words: abnormal uterine bleeding, pathology of thyroid gland, medical and diagnostic management.


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