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№4' 2020


International Medical Journal, Vol. 26., Iss. 4, 2020, P. 12−20.



Drozdova I. V., Pavlovska M. O., Pavlovskyi S. A.

Kyiv International University, Ukraine

Modern clinical diagnostics has standards and medical systems for the diagnosis of hypertension, advanced information technology. Mathematical models of the relationship between systolic blood pressure and psychological indices of hypochondria and depression have been described. Methods of mathematical statistics were applied as follows: factor, cluster, discriminant, regression analyzes, Markov chains, polynomial splines and neural networks, they were implemented in software products, such as NeuroModelDBPM, "Monitoring", VerMed. The presented model of interaction of systolic arterial pressure, Hs−hypochondria, D−depression confirms an importance of these states at an initial stage of arterial hypertension and allows the allocation of four options of psychosomatic relations in patients: organ and system somatic defeats of psychosomatic character, somaticized psychiatric reactions, reactions of exogenous type. It has been shown that disharmonious personality traits, risk factors, disorder of chronobiological structure of blood pressure, left ventricular hypertrophy and its diastolic dysfunction contribute to the formation of nosogeny in hypertension. Their development is hindered by harmonious personality traits, keeping a healthy lifestyle, minimal changes in the chronobiological structure of blood pressure, a slight degree of left ventricular hypertrophy and its diastolic dysfunction. The leading cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hypertension are stress, burdened heredity, low physical activity, carbohydrate abuse, higher education and high socioeconomic status. Nosogeny in hypertension should also be considered as a risk factor, as well as should be taken into account in the stratification of the overall cardiovascular risk and accomplishing a proper adjustments.

Key words: arterial hypertension, mathematical statistics, arterial pressure, hypochondria, depression, information technology.


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