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№2' 2020


International Medical Journal, Vol. 26., Iss. 2, 2020, P. 39−42.



Minukhin D. V., Tsyvenko O. I., Korolevska A. Yu., Tarasenko L. G., Melnyk D. Yu., Shkurat A. M.

Kharkiv National Medical University
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine

Most authors considered pleural cavity drainage to be the main method of treatment of acute pleural empyema using minor surgery. Despite the simplicity of drainage of the pleural cavity, the number of complications after this surgical manipulation, according to the reports of some authors, varies from 3 to 8 %. The complications of pleural drainage in the patients with acute nonspecific pleural empyema have been studied and the technique of pleural drainage "blindly" has been introduced, which allows drainage to be located along the chest wall. At the first stage of the four−stage study, the complications of pleural drainage in 38 patients with acute nonspecific pleural empyema were analyzed, at the second stage a device for drainage of the pleural cavity "blindly" was developed to place drainage in parallel to the chest wall, at the third stage patients were tested; on IV −− drainage of the pleural cavity of 34 patients was performed according to the proposed method. The reason for the development of drainage complications in the pleural cavity of patients with acute pleural empyema was the inadequate location of drainage in the pleural cavity, drainage of the pleural cavity was carried out in general hospitals without the use of thoracoscopic equipment. Curved thoracoport with trocar for a blind drainage of the pleural cavity "blindly" was developed and introduced into clinical practice. This technique eliminates the involuntary location of the drainage in the pleural cavity, installing it along the chest wall, and is safe. Complications associated with drainage of the pleural cavity according to the developed method using a curved thoracoport with a trocar, inadequate location of drainage, were not observed in patients.

Key words: acute pleural empyema, pleural cavity drainage, curved trocar.


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