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№4' 2018


International Medical Journal, Vol. 24., Iss. 4, 2018, P. 53−58.


Florikian V. A., Zavalna O. P.

Kharkiv Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine

Brain defeat as a result of cerebral circulation disorder represents a serious medical and social problem and causes huge economic damage to society, as it is the cause of emergency hospitalization and long−term disability. Analyzing the publications, it can be noted that more than 90 % of the work is devoted to the study of cerebrovascular disorders, and only 10 % of studies are related to the pathology of venous blood flow. Meanwhile, the value of the venous system in the blood supply of the brain is difficult to overestimate. Difficulties in lifelong diagnosis of venous circulation disorders were the cause of the false idea of the low incidence of this pathology. Thus, a practitioner neurologist needs to know the features of the structure and functioning of the venous system of the brain, pathological changes and ways of correcting the corresponding disorders. Special attention is given to the issues of etiopathogenesis as acute (venous hemorrhages, venous thrombosis, venous thrombophlebitis), and chronic disorders of cerebral venous circulation (venous congestion and venous encephalopathy), the classifications used by doctors are given, the features of the clinic are reflected taking into account the localization of the pathological process, modern methods of diagnosis and interpretation of the results, directions in the treatment of patients with this pathology are covered. The study of the condition of this problem is relevant not only for neuropathologists, psychiatrists, neurosurgeons, but also for doctors of other specialties, since it provides an opportunity for a timely diagnosis and adequate treatment to reduce the mortality and maintain the working capacity and quality of life of patients.

Key words: venous hemorrhage, venous thrombosis, venous sinus thrombosis, venous stasis, venous encephalopathy, venous circulation, venous thrombophlebitis.

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