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№4' 2014


International Medical Journal, Vol. 20., Iss. 4, 2014, P. 5−8.


H. M. Kozhina, Korostiy V. I., Rezunenko O. Yu.

Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine

The paper covers investigation of clinical and psychopathological features of bipolar disorder in patients receiving treatment in a psychiatric hospital, and approaches to psychoeducation in complex treatment of this category of patients. As the results of the study, an integrated approach in treatment of BAR, which included psychopharmacotherapy using atypical antipsychotics and mood stabilizers, psychotherapy programs, combined with psychoeducational trainings, lead to restoration of social activity and successful resocialization of the patients. This indicates that psychoeducation not only increases the amount of knowledge and enhances confidence in the fight against the disease, but also solves the problem of reintegration of the patient. According to the results of the follow−up in the study group against a background of complex therapy using psychoeducational intervention stable therapeutic effect that was maintained for 2 years was achieved in 82.2 % of patients, the state remained without changes in 11.1 %. 6.7 % had recurrent disease. In the control group, improvement was observed only in 10 % of patients, 48 % were recommended hospitalization due to recurrent disease. Performance criteria were as follows: stability of remission, rates of hospitalization, quality of life, anxiety levels, improved mental state.

Key words: bipolar disorder, psychoeducation, clinical and psychopathological features, effectiveness of treatment.

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