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№2' 2020


International Medical Journal, Vol. 26., Iss. 2, 2020, P. 77−80.



Bibik T. A., Hrechanyk O. I., Abdullaiev R. Ya.

Ukrainian Military Medical Academy, Kyiv
National Military Medical Clinical Center "Main Military Clinical Hospital", Kyiv
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine

Assessing the quality of medical care, identifying defects in its provision, studying the shortcomings of medical activities are extremely important not only for forensic expertise or law enforcement practice, but also for all clinical medicine. For the purpose of clinical and anatomical analysis as well as the creation of classification of medical errors which most often occur in the conditions of military medical and preventive institution, revealing of their reasons in National military medical clinical center "Main military clinical hospital" (Kyiv) research was carried out in the period 2016− In 2018, the defects in the provision of medical care were analyzed using medical records, protocols of pathological examinations, acts of meetings of the commission for the study of lethal consequences, as well as reviews of medical records. It was established that erroneous actions of the medical doctors occurred during diagnosis, treatment, medical records, as well as in the organizational support of medical activities. In 2016, 32 defects were identified, in 2017 this number was 29, and in 2018 that was 37. Inadequate medical care was usually provided in insufficient quantities and late. The largest number of servicemen by category fell on the officer corps, the smallest one did on army conscripts. It has been proven that defects in class XI (digestive diseases), in class X (respiratory diseases), and also in class VI (diseases of the nervous system) occurred much more often. The main shortcomings in the organization of medical care for servicemen were unrecognized underlying diseases and errors in maintaining medical records. The causes of recognized defects are objective difficulties of diagnosis, shortcomings in the organization of the treatment process and the atypical course of the disease. The identified shortcomings in the provision of medical care to servicemen and their internal/external reasons should be taken into account when organizing a more effective treatment process in medical institutions of our country.

Key words: National Military Medical Clinical Center "Main Military Clinical Hospital", shortcomings in medical care provision, servicemen.


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