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№2' 2018


International Medical Journal, Vol. 24., Iss. 2, 2018, P. 53−56.


Neffa M. Yu., Pyrohova I. V.

Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
Regional Clinical Specialized Dispensary for Radiation Protection of the Population, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Today the opinion that the indicator of the quality of life of cancer patients is not less, and in some cases, even more important, than the indicators of the effectiveness of treatment has formed in the world literature. Therapeutic methods of modern oncology are quite aggressive to achieve this goal, namely, the number of criteria by which to assess the effectiveness of the treatment, the main of which, until recently, was survival. The specificity of restorative treatment in oncology is the need for correct evaluation of the phase of relationship in the system "organism−tumor" at each stage of rehabilitation to exclude the probability of stimulating tumor growth. The recently revealed lack of negative impact of physical factors, spa treatment, hormone replacement therapy (administered strictly when indicated designated with the account of all contraindications), herbal medicine on cancer course allows contrary to the established tradition, to reconsider the myths about their absolute contraindication in patients with malignant neoplasms. Medical rehabilitation in oncology, depending on its purposes, includes several stages: medical, psychological, professional, social and economic. The main criterion in the system of oncological rehabilitation is the indicator of the quality of life of a patient with a malignant neoplasm. Rehabilitation measures are aimed at maximum recovery of physical and mental health of patients both after the treatment and at the stage from the diagnosis and before the beginning of treatment. However, till now there are no rehabilitation centers, the specialists in the field of rehabilitation of cancer patients are not trained. This problem requires exploring the possibilities of application of different options for medical rehabilitation at the stages of special treatment of patients with malignant tumors of various locations, as well as throughout the relapse−free period.

Key words: medical rehabilitation, oncology, prerehabilitation, quality of life.

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