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№4' 2013


International Medical Journal, Vol. 19., Iss. 4, 2013, P. 16−21.


Ambrosova T. N.

Kharkiv National Medical University

As far as functional and structural remodeling of the vessels is considered to be one of important mechanisms for manifestation of arterial hypertension, pathogenetic mechanisms of interaction of biologically active substances produced by vascular endothelium and affecting formation of balance in the system of pressor and depressor factors in the conditions of hemodynamic stress are discussed. Disorders of this system contribute to the risk of arterial hypertension formation and progression, endothelial cells providing the basic functional response. Blood flow in the arterial vessels creates shear stress which is directly proportional to the blood flow rate and blood viscosity indices, and with the changes in pressure in the vessel and disorders of shear stress, endothelium provides regulation of the processes of vasoconstriction and vasodilatation. The basic mechanisms and conditions of forming thromboresistance and thrombogenicity of the endothelium in arterial hypertension are demonstrated.

Key words: hypertension, endothelial dysfunction, endotheliocytes, thrombocytes, nitric oxide, endothelins.

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