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№3' 2019


International Medical Journal, Vol. 25., Iss. 3, 2019, P. 65−69.



Marina Leonidovna Kochina, Yurii Albertovych Demin, Nataliia Mykhailivna Kovtun, Ihor Volodymyrovych Kaplin

Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine

The parameters of interference patterns observed on the cornea in a polarized light in pathology of extraocular muscles were quantitatively evaluated. A study of the shape of 147 interference patterns observed on the cornea in a polarized light showed that the horizontal deviation of an eye in 56 % of cases was caused by the displacement of the attachment of the upper rectus muscle towards the inner rectus muscle. During illumination of the cornea of a live eye with polarized light, a specific interference pattern in the form of a rhombus formed by rainbow stripes (isochromes) is observed. It is established that such an interference pattern is the result of the influence of extraocular muscles on the cornea. The findings showed that the weakening of the force of one of muscles leads to asymmetric distortion of the shape of the interference rhombus, which is manifested with a reduced length of the corresponding section of the diagonal. On the contrary, as the force of the muscle increases, the corresponding section of the diagonal enhances. The displacement of the attachment site of direct extraocular muscle along the line of action is equivalent to a change in effort on its part, indicated appropriately by the shape of the interference rhombus. As the muscle moves away from the line of action, the angle of the interference rhombus is shifted away from the corresponding meridian.

Key words: polarized light, optical anisotropy, cornea, extra−ocular muscles, interference picture.


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