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№4' 2021


International Medical Journal, Vol. 27., Iss. 4, 2021, P. 67−69.



Vovk V. I., Kirilova E. I., Lazarenko Yu. M., Nelyapina M. M.

V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv
Military Medical Clinical Center of the Northern Region, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Radiation therapy is a mandatory treatment tactic in almost 70 % of cancer patients, including those of head and neck, accounting for about 15−20 %. The radiotherapy prescribing causes certain complications in patients, so its need increases the level of anxiety and stress, forms a pessimistic perception of the prospects of anticancer treatment. An additional stressor is also the myths about radiation therapy, which can provoke the refusal of treatment. Therefore, an important task of medical care at the stage of radiation treatment is not only psychocorrection of the emotional sphere, but also correction of cognitive distortions, psychoeducation, the formation of a satisfactory therapeutic alliance and commitment to therapy. To study the features of psycho−emotional adaptation in preparation for radiation therapy in the patients with head and neck cancer, 60 patients were examined. To determine the psycho−emotional status of cancer patients there were used a clinical method (survey, collection of complaints and anamnestic data), a test of differentiated self−assessment of the functional state "Feeling, activity, mood", the method of "Distress Thermometer". It was found that during the procedures of radiation therapy in 90 % of patients the rate of distress increased and positively correlated with the test "Feeling, activity, and mood". The average indices of psycho−emotional state according to all scales of the test "Feeling, activity, mood" decreased. Criteria for adaptation to radiation therapy were identified: compliance with the basic rules and requirements related to nutrition, hygiene, keeping the regimen; timely and qualitatively informing the doctor about changes in the patient's condition; quality of relationships with staff. It is concluded that the need for psychocorrectional work at the stage of the course of radiation therapy with the selection of the main targets for psychotherapeutic interventions.

Key words: psychoemotional adaptation, psychooncology, head and neck cancer, radiation therapy.


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