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№3' 2021


International Medical Journal, Vol. 27., Iss. 3, 2021, P. 84−88.



Ognev V. A., Mishchenko M. M.

Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine

When studying the medical and epidemiological characteristics of diseases of the circulatory system, cerebrovascular diseases and strokes in Ukraine in general and Kharkiv region in particular, basic trends to reduce their prevalence and primary morbidity were identified. Nthe number of patients with circulatory system and cerebrovascular diseases, as well as strokes decreased, meanwhile with significant trends (+83,9 %) the primary incidence of strokes increased within the period of 2010−2017. An increase in the prevalence of diseases of the circulatory system in the regions: Zhytomyr (+ 18,3 %), Chernihiv (+ 7,8 %), Khmelnytsky (+ 7,4 %), etc .; cerebrovascular diseases: in Zhytomyr (+149.8 %), Khmelnytsky (+11,5 %), Ternopil (+ 5,6 %), etc.; strokes: Chernivtsi (+69,4 %), Kharkiv (+62,5 %), Sumy (+43,6 %) etc. The same applies to the primary incidence of these pathologies: in Zhytomyr (+22,4 %), Mykolayiv (+5,1 %), Ternopil (+3,6 %) etc. for diseases of the circulatory system; in Zhytomyr (+98,1 %), Zakarpattia (+19,4 %) and Dnipropetrovsk (+9,7 %) for cerebrovascular diseases; in Kharkiv (+249,2 %), Chernivtsi (+235,8 %), Sumy (+188,2 %) etc. for strokes. The decrease in the prevalence and primary incidence of circulatory system diseases (−1,1 % and −7,2 %, respectively) and cerebrovascular diseases (−2,7 % and 18,5 %) within 2018−2019 was found in Kharkiv region, with tendencies to increased prevalence of strokes (+4,6 %) with the largest trends in Lyubotyn (+84,6 %) and Zolochiv (+46,7 %), Shevchenkivsky (+41,9 %) and Bohodukhiv (+37,3 %) areas. In 2010−2017, there was a rise in mortality rates in most regions of Ukraine due to diseases of the circulatory system and cerebrovascular diseases, and a significant increase in primary disability among the adult population.

Key words: diseases of the circulatory system, cerebrovascular diseases, strokes, prevalence, primary morbidity, primary disability, trend, mortality.


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