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№2' 2017


International Medical Journal, Vol. 23., Iss. 2, 2017, P. 47−51.


Yakovleva O. O., Domina O. V., Babadzhanian Ye. M., Yakovenko O. A.

Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine

The review of the lithosphere reflects the prevalence, etiology, pathogenesis, occurrence of placental dysfunction in pregnant women. The main pathogenetic mechanisms of its occurrence are presented. The physiological changes in the organism of the pregnant woman leading to formation of syndrome of endothelial dysfunction in the fetoplacental complex, observed even in the physiological pregnancy, are indicated. The forms and degrees of placental dysfunction are described. Particular attention is paid to formation of the fetal development delay syndrome as a consequence of placental dysfunction in pregnant women. The main instrumental diagnostic methods detecting the presence of placental dysfunction are indicated. The relationship between the onset of placental dysfunction and the presence of thrombophilic conditions in pregnant women is reflected. The indications for hospitalization in the obstetric hospital in the presence of placental dysfunction are indicated. Widely used in treatment of placental dysfunction pharmacological drugs are described indicating the pathogenetic mechanisms of their effect on the causes of its occurrence. The literature data indicating the efficacy of L−arginine, low−molecular heparin, aspirin, dipyridamole in treatment of placental dysfunction, the use of which results in a significant improvement in the state of a woman and the intrauterine fetus due to improvement in blood circulation in the utero−placental−fetal circulation, normalization of endothelial function, changes in the system of hemostasis in the presence of thrombophilic conditions in pregnant women, are reported. The ways of correction of hypogalactia in the early postpartum period in pregnant women with placental dysfunction are featured.

Key words: placental dysfunction, diagnosis, treatment.

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